The plants in a swamp rot, and the surface of the earth changed and water and dirt came in and stopped the plants from decaying. Plants continued to grow but they died too,and fell into the ground. After a lot of years layers started to form, one on top of the other. The weight of the top layers and the water and dirt packed down the lower layers of plants. Heat and pressure produced chemical and physical changes in the plant layers which made the oxygen go out and left rich carbon deposits.Eventually the plants became coal.
The types of coal are:
Peat- is an accumulation of decayed vegitation and the first stage of caol.
Lignite- Brown looking coal.
Bituminous Coal- Black coal having a high volatile content.
Anthracite Coal- Coal that burns very slow but produces an intense amount of heat.
Coal- hard black or brownish rock that is mainly found underground, used for energy.